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Tadasana: PM Modi shares 'asana' to improve strength before International Yoga Day 2024

Yoga has been practised for centuries and has become a popular form of exercise and meditation around the world. It is not just a physical practice but also a way of life that promotes overall wellness and inner peace. The United Nations declared June 21st as International Yoga Day in 2014, recognising its universal appeal and positive impact on individuals and communities. As we approach the year 2024, let us take a closer look at one of the most fundamental yoga poses – Tadasana or the Mountain Pose – and how we can incorporate it into our daily practice to celebrate International Yoga Day.

Tadasana: PM Modi shares 'asana' to improve strength before International Yoga Day 2024

Tadasana: PM Modi shares 'asana' to improve strength before International Yoga Day 2024

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