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Showing posts with the label HealthShow all
5 fruits that improve bone health
Is it safe to reuse sour curd?
7 Yoga poses that can help increase concentration and memory
Ginger Shots in the morning: How it increases metabolism and speeds up weight loss
Knee pain? PM Modi shares 'Bhadrasana' for strengthening joints
How classical dance and yoga complement each other
Adding nuts to weight loss diets could help achieve goal early: Study
Why is International Yoga Day celebrated on June 21? Know the theme of 2024
Do you often rewatch old TV shows? Discover how revisiting favourites is beneficial for health
Want to make your body healthy and strong? Consume 1 spoon of Spirulina daily
Weight Loss Story: From 100 to 50 Kgs, this girl’s fitness journey will inspire you
Want quick weight loss after pregnancy? Include these 5 food items in your diet
Do you use earthen pots? Know the right way to clean and store them
Tadasana: PM Modi shares 'asana' to improve strength before International Yoga Day 2024
Banana to Lotus: 5 types of LEAVES used for serving food and their surprising benefits
Mohammad Hafeez makes shocking revelation on Azam Khan's fitness, says rest of the team covered 2 kms in 10 minutes, he took...
Eating ginger on an empty stomach for weight loss? Know its pros and cons
Hands and feet remain sweaty during summer? Try these methods to get rid of it
5 easy ways to complete 10,000 steps during scorching summer to lose weight
Low stamina? Practice these yoga asanas to increase flexibility